Our Works

Thoughts. Stories. Ideas.

We help our clients achieve their ambitions not just once, but time after time, across an array of projects.

PR Works

Helping clients go global

Some stories deserve to be heard beyond national borders, and that's why our services go beyond providing national coverage. We have a proven track record of helping numerous companies in various sectors connect with and publish their stories in global tech and business media, expanding their reach to a wider audience.

Our approach involves assisting clients in identifying the right story and supporting data before pitching it to top journalists around the world. This approach prioritizes Op-eds and thought leadership content strategies over release distribution. Our services have enabled companies such as PasarPolis, Eratani, MDI Ventures, Pitik, StaffAny, and Startup Studio Indonesia to be featured in prominent media outlets such as Tech in Asia, DealStreetAsia, and TechCrunch.

Helping clients go global

Some stories deserve to be heard beyond national borders, and that's why our services go beyond providing national coverage. We have a proven track record of helping numerous companies in various sectors connect with and publish their stories in global tech and business media, expanding their reach to a wider audience.

Our approach involves assisting clients in identifying the right story and supporting data before pitching it to top journalists around the world. This approach prioritizes Op-eds and thought leadership content strategies over release distribution. Our services have enabled companies such as PasarPolis, Eratani, MDI Ventures, Pitik, StaffAny, and Startup Studio Indonesia to be featured in prominent media outlets such as Tech in Asia, DealStreetAsia, and TechCrunch.

Indonesia’s PasarPolis is now able to underwrite its own products, making it one of Indonesia’s first full-stack insurtechs. This means PasarPolis will be able to offer new products and work with partners like Tokopedia, Gojek, Traveloka, Xiaomi and IKEA Indonesia to create custom insurance policies. 

BCA digital meluncurkan aplikasi perbankan digital bernama “blu”. Dengan aplikasi ini para nasabahnya bisa memiliki 10 tabungan bluSaving dalam satu rekening.

In a post-pandemic landscape, where borders and sectors are reopening across Southeast Asia, many business operations are restarting their engines.

However, many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) find themselves hindered by manual and inefficient human resource work, especially for those that largely depend on shift-based or part-time workers.

The Indonesian government has selected 15 startups to be part of its accelerator program, Startup Studio Indonesia, to help the companies find a product-market fit and scale their businesses.

BCA Digital - the beginning of blu by BCA Digital.

Content Collision was trusted by BCA Digital to support the launch communication campaign of their proprietary app, blu by BCA Digital. Our mission was to support BCA Digital's series of campaigns, starting from media invites, press conferences, and gatherings, to the announcement of their partnerships with Telkom Indonesia, GCG, and the environmentally-conscious #blubuatbaik effort with Greeneration Foundation, as well as their vibrant and educational musical performance!

As a result of our successful campaign, we were able to secure hundreds of coverages for blu and BCA Digital, worth billions in PR value. We are proud to have been part of their successful launch, and look forward to continuing to provide excellent communication services to our clients.

BCA Digital - the beginning of blu by BCA Digital.

Content Collision was trusted by BCA Digital to support the launch communication campaign of their proprietary app, blu by BCA Digital. Our mission was to support BCA Digital's series of campaigns, starting from media invites, press conferences, and gatherings, to the announcement of their partnerships with Telkom Indonesia, GCG, and the environmentally-conscious #blubuatbaik effort with Greeneration Foundation, as well as their vibrant and educational musical performance!

As a result of our successful campaign, we were able to secure hundreds of coverages for blu and BCA Digital, worth billions in PR value. We are proud to have been part of their successful launch, and look forward to continuing to provide excellent communication services to our clients.

Indonesia’s digital banks are forging partnerships left, right, and centre to onboard more customers for their apps and gain market share, even as new players enter the sector.

BCA digital meluncurkan aplikasi perbankan digital bernama “blu”. Dengan aplikasi ini para nasabahnya bisa memiliki 10 tabungan bluSaving dalam satu rekening.

Indonesia’s digital banks are forging partnerships left, right, and centre to onboard more customers for their apps and gain market share, even as new players enter the sector.

Kolaborasi antara dua perusahaan ini memungkinkan pengguna mengakses berbagai layanan perbankan Blu dari aplikasi Telkomsel Redi.

Hacktiv8 - the launching of new BSD campus

We’ve had the pleasure of working with Hacktiv8 as a regular client, but this campaign has been the most thrilling for us yet! The excitement was palpable as they opened a brand new campus in BSD. Our team was entrusted to spread the word during the soft launch in Q4 of 2022. And at the beginning of February 2023, we were tasked with bringing journalists and bloggers to their grand opening ceremony and press events.

We are delighted to report that nearly 20 top-tier journalists from various media outlets, along with over 20 bloggers, joined us for a tour of the new campus. The event was a tremendous success, and we are honored to have been part of Hacktiv8's new journey.

Hacktiv8 - the launching of new BSD campus

We’ve had the pleasure of working with Hacktiv8 as a regular client, but this campaign has been the most thrilling for us yet! The excitement was palpable as they opened a brand new campus in BSD. Our team was entrusted to spread the word during the soft launch in Q4 of 2022. And at the beginning of February 2023, we were tasked with bringing journalists and bloggers to their grand opening ceremony and press events.

We are delighted to report that nearly 20 top-tier journalists from various media outlets, along with over 20 bloggers, joined us for a tour of the new campus. The event was a tremendous success, and we are honored to have been part of Hacktiv8's new journey.
Hacktiv8 Coding Bootcamp membuka kampus barunya di Kawasan BSD Green Office Park, Tangerang Selatan, Banten, untuk mencetak talenta information technology (IT) baru di Indonesia.

Kampus baru Hacktiv8 telah dilengkapi dengan infrastruktur teknologi dari Digital Hub BSD City, yang dicanangkan oleh Group CEO Sinar Mas Land Michael Widjaja, untuk menjadi Silicon Valley versi Indonesia.

Kampus Hacktiv8 ini juga dilengkapi dengan kualitas kelas, kurikulum, dan pengajar berkaliber tinggi, yang diharapkan dapat mencetak 500 talenta IT baru siap-kerja di tahun 2023.

Pada tahap awal pembukaan, program yang ditawarkan di kampus Hacktiv8 BSD adalah Bootcamp Full Stack Javascript dengan proses belajar full luring dari hari Senin-Jumat, pukul 9.00-18.00 selama kurang lebih empat bulan.

Startup Studio Indonesia by The Ministry of Communication and Informatics

The Ministry of Indonesia initiated Startup Studio Indonesia to create 150 incredible digital startups. We had the privilege of being entrusted by SSI to support some of their batches in various areas, from preparing talk shows to managing media events and release distributions. During the program, we had the opportunity to work alongside SSI personnel, their top coaches, and over 100 alumni to produce engaging thought leadership and release pieces. Our efforts resulted in 300+ coverages from both national and international media outlets, generating billions in PR value. We are proud to have been a part of SSI's incredible journey, and we are excited to continue supporting their mission to create innovative and groundbreaking startups in Indonesia.

Startup Studio Indonesia by The Ministry of Communication and Informatics

The Ministry of Indonesia initiated Startup Studio Indonesia to create 150 incredible digital startups. We had the privilege of being entrusted by SSI to support some of their batches in various areas, from preparing talk shows to managing media events and release distributions. During the program, we had the opportunity to work alongside SSI personnel, their top coaches, and over 100 alumni to produce engaging thought leadership and release pieces. Our efforts resulted in 300+ coverages from both national and international media outlets, generating billions in PR value. We are proud to have been a part of SSI's incredible journey, and we are excited to continue supporting their mission to create innovative and groundbreaking startups in Indonesia.

Sejak diluncurkan September 2020, program inkubator Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika bernama Startup Studio Indonesia (SSI) dalam dua tahun terakhir telah meluluskan 80 alumni perusahaan rintisan yang sekarang beroperasi dengan baik.

Perusahan teknologi keuangan (fintech) Finku telah mengembangkan platform manajemen keuangan pribadi yang bisa mengintegrasikan semua aset finansial, mulai dari bank hingga e-wallet.

The intensive programme, developed under the ministry of communications and informatics (Kominfo) aims to assist and advance Indonesia’s early-stage digital startups to achieve product market fit (PMF), Kominfo said in a statement.

Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (Kominfo) kembali menyelenggarakan Startup Studio Indonesia. Dalam batch ke-4, Kominfo mengumumkan 15 startup yang terpilih untuk mengikuti inkubator tersebut.

Content Works

Exploring Creative Indonesia with MLDSpot

Through a successful collaboration with Semut Api Colony agency, we embarked on a journey across Indonesia to discover captivating and extraordinary stories for MLDSpot, a premier lifestyle media platform. Our extensive network of talented writers scoured the country, from uncovering talented musicians to unearthing hidden culinary treasures and meeting with vibrant skate and art communities. Our collective efforts resulted in hundreds of awe-inspiring stories that were shared with the entire nation, capturing the essence of Indonesia's rich cultural tapestry.

Exploring Creative Indonesia with MLDSpot

Through a successful collaboration with Semut Api Colony agency, we embarked on a journey across Indonesia to discover captivating and extraordinary stories for MLDSpot, a premier lifestyle media platform. Our extensive network of talented writers scoured the country, from uncovering talented musicians to unearthing hidden culinary treasures and meeting with vibrant skate and art communities. Our collective efforts resulted in hundreds of awe-inspiring stories that were shared with the entire nation, capturing the essence of Indonesia's rich cultural tapestry.
Siapa di sini yang suka modifikasi mobil atau motor? Produk aksesoris mana yang biasanya lo pake? Impor atau lokal?
Apa lo termasuk orang yang suka nonton review game di YouTube? Kalau iya, pasti udah enggak asing dong sama Afif Yulistian, atau yang biasa dikenal dengan sebutan Apiip? Ya, Afif ini salah satu youtuber gaming yang cukup unik karena fokus pada genre horor di konten game yang dia mainin.

Membangun sebuah bisnis dari bawah bukanlah hal mudah, apalagi di luar negeri. Selain peraturan yang jauh lebih ketat, biasanya dibutuhkan modal yang lebih besar.

Siapa yang nggak kenal Nikita Dompas? Gitaris jazz handal ini sudah mencatat segudang prestasi dan terlibat dalam proyek-proyek keren. Di tahun 2014, Nikita sukses membawa film “Cahaya Dari Timur Beta Maluku” mendapatkan Piala Maya untuk kategori Tata Musik Musik Terpilih. Ia juga terlibat menjadi produser musik untuk album Andien, program coordinator Java Jazz Festival, sampai menjadi mentor album MLD Jazz Project Season 4.

Bringing Alibaba News Into The Archipelago

Partnering with Fleishman-Hillard Indonesia, we brought the most current news and innovative insights from Alibaba Group's experts to the Indonesian market. We initiated the establishment of Alibaba Indonesia Newsroom from its inception and filled the site with the group's cutting-edge innovations, significant achievements, and dedicated environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives. Additionally, we contributed to the creation of promotional videos for their highly anticipated Double Eleven programs, and curated content for their Covid-19 management handbook during the pandemic's initial phase. Our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results was instrumental in the success of the project.

Bringing Alibaba News Into The Archipelago

Partnering with Fleishman-Hillard Indonesia, we brought the most current news and innovative insights from Alibaba Group's experts to the Indonesian market. We initiated the establishment of Alibaba Indonesia Newsroom from its inception and filled the site with the group's cutting-edge innovations, significant achievements, and dedicated environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives. Additionally, we contributed to the creation of promotional videos for their highly anticipated Double Eleven programs, and curated content for their Covid-19 management handbook during the pandemic's initial phase. Our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results was instrumental in the success of the project.

Salah satu terobosan strategi pemasaran dalam dunia e-commerce adalah kehadiran livestreaming, dimana konsumen bisa menyaksikan konten menarik sekaligus berbelanja di saat yang sama. 

Deputy Chief People Officer dari Alibaba Group, Jane Jiang, mengungkap kini Alibaba Group tengah menata dan reka ulang tentang bagaimana cara mereka bekerja selama pandemi berlangsung.

Alibaba.com merupakan platform e-commerce antar negara yang khusus melayani transaksi Business to Business (B2B). Platform ini bekerja seperti layaknya pameran industri atau trade show yang berlangsung secara online, dimana klien dan vendor bisa saling bertemu, melakukan negosiasi bisnis, dan bertransaksi ekspor-impor dalam skala besar. 

Belum berumur 30 tahun, William Sunito berhasil bawa transformasi digital pada Tokowahab.com. Menyadari bahwa UMKM kuliner di Indonesia memegang peranan penting dalam perekonomian negara, ia pun mengembangkan platform online sebagai bagian bisnis keluarganya dengan model Business to Business (B2B), berfokus melayani pelaku UMKM di bidang bakery dan pastry. 

Lifestyle Discussion with Blibli Friends

Blibli.com, a prominent Indonesian marketplace, was seeking a new content partner to elevate their Blibli Friends blog to greater heights. Content Collision was chosen to support them in developing diverse types of content ranging from articles, infographics, and videos to showcase the vast range of products sold by their merchants.

Over the course of our partnership, we successfully generated nearly 90 pieces of content each month, resulting in an impressive total of over 2000 content pieces produced within a span of 2 years. Our carefully crafted content contributed significantly to the sales of various products, such as fashion items, gadgets, refrigerators, air conditioners, and even cars. Our strategic approach to content creation helped Blibli.com achieve remarkable sales figures and enhance their brand reputation.

Lifestyle Discussion with Blibli Friends

Blibli.com, a prominent Indonesian marketplace, was seeking a new content partner to elevate their Blibli Friends blog to greater heights. Content Collision was chosen to support them in developing diverse types of content ranging from articles, infographics, and videos to showcase the vast range of products sold by their merchants.

Over the course of our partnership, we successfully generated nearly 90 pieces of content each month, resulting in an impressive total of over 2000 content pieces produced within a span of 2 years. Our carefully crafted content contributed significantly to the sales of various products, such as fashion items, gadgets, refrigerators, air conditioners, and even cars. Our strategic approach to content creation helped Blibli.com achieve remarkable sales figures and enhance their brand reputation.

Buat kamu yang pingin traveling dengan budget standar, kota Jogja bisa jadi pilihan yang tepat, lho. Selain karena biaya hidupnya terjangkau dan akses transportasinya mudah, ada banyak pilihan hotel di Jogja, mulai dari hostel hingga hotel berbintang. Dengan begitu, kamu bisa menghemat biaya akomodasi dan uangnya bisa kamu pake buat masuk ke tempat-tempat wisata lain!

Saat ini moms sedang mencari essential oil yang memiliki aroma menyenangkan, aman untuk bayi, dan memiliki banyak khasiat untuk melindungi tubuh dari gangguan kesehatan? Pilih Belli to Baby aja!

Kalau kamu termasuk sebagai salah satu peserta BPJS kesehatan, pastinya kamu wajib bayar BPJS setiap bulan secara tepat waktu. Jika terlambat melewati tanggal jatuh tempo, maka ada denda sebesar 2% yang akan dikenakan. Untungnya, sekarang ada banyak banget cara mudah untuk melakukan pembayaran iuran BPJS kesehatan ini. Apalagi dengan adanya layanan Blibli Digital, sekarang kamu bisa bayar BPJS langsung dari akun Blibli.com!

Essential oil dari Belli to Baby sudah dikenal berkualitas dan banyak manfaat, lho. Bukan hanya untuk orang dewasa namun juga bagi si kecil!

Social Media Works

Bringing Alibaba News Into The Archipelago

Partnering with Fleishman-Hillard Indonesia, we brought the most current news and innovative insights from Alibaba Group's experts to the Indonesian market. We initiated the establishment of Alibaba Indonesia Newsroom from its inception and filled the site with the group's cutting-edge innovations, significant achievements, and dedicated environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives. Additionally, we contributed to the creation of promotional videos for their highly anticipated Double Eleven programs, and curated content for their Covid-19 management handbook during the pandemic's initial phase. Our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results was instrumental in the success of the project.

Bringing Alibaba News Into The Archipelago

Partnering with Fleishman-Hillard Indonesia, we brought the most current news and innovative insights from Alibaba Group's experts to the Indonesian market. We initiated the establishment of Alibaba Indonesia Newsroom from its inception and filled the site with the group's cutting-edge innovations, significant achievements, and dedicated environmental, social, and governance (ESG) initiatives. Additionally, we contributed to the creation of promotional videos for their highly anticipated Double Eleven programs, and curated content for their Covid-19 management handbook during the pandemic's initial phase. Our unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional results was instrumental in the success of the project.
Inspiring journey of British Brand Who Taps Into China Market
Aliren’s New Work Benefit / Employee Branding
Alibaba Handbook Promotional


Content Collision was delighted to have worked with Komunal, a FinTech company based in Surabaya, to help them grow their brand awareness and company branding in certain areas in Indonesia through LinkedIn.

We took on the challenge of running both organic and sponsored campaigns for Komunal, utilizing a variety of objectives to ensure maximum impact. Over the course of two months, we were able to significantly increase the Komunal LinkedIn page impression by 90.5%, demonstrating our ability to drive engagement and brand awareness on this platform. Our team worked tirelessly to improve monthly engagement rates by 208%, a testament to our dedication to delivering measurable results. Additionally, we helped Komunal achieve a 62.2% click-through rate (CTR) on one of their sponsored campaigns, a remarkable achievement in the highly competitive world of LinkedIn advertising.

The average view rate of 31.86% further highlights our ability to create compelling content that resonates with the target audience, ultimately driving traffic and engagement to the Komunal LinkedIn page.


Content Collision was delighted to have worked with Komunal, a FinTech company based in Surabaya, to help them grow their brand awareness and company branding in certain areas in Indonesia through LinkedIn.

We took on the challenge of running both organic and sponsored campaigns for Komunal, utilizing a variety of objectives to ensure maximum impact. Over the course of two months, we were able to significantly increase the Komunal LinkedIn page impression by 90.5%, demonstrating our ability to drive engagement and brand awareness on this platform. Our team worked tirelessly to improve monthly engagement rates by 208%, a testament to our dedication to delivering measurable results. Additionally, we helped Komunal achieve a 62.2% click-through rate (CTR) on one of their sponsored campaigns, a remarkable achievement in the highly competitive world of LinkedIn advertising.

The average view rate of 31.86% further highlights our ability to create compelling content that resonates with the target audience, ultimately driving traffic and engagement to the Komunal LinkedIn page.

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