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6 Great Reasons to Start a Blog

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Wordpress reports that there are about 18.9 million posts uploaded every month on its platform, with 40.9 million active readers worldwide. Remember, that’s just one blogging site, and this data does not include posts outside of Wordpress, like Blogger and Wix, for example.

Imagine how many people are blogging around the world right this moment. Not just individuals, but also companies that use their blog to actively connect and interact with customers. Perhaps these questions have crossed your mind before: Why would a company spend time and resources on a blog? Should I make one too? Here are six great reasons to start a blog, whether it be for your company or just for personal use.

Pushing content builds credibility

high-quality blog content can boost a writer’s credibility in the public eye, and build a good brand image for a business
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Everybody has the freedom to express their ideas and creativity on the web. High-quality blog content can boost a writer’s credibility in the public eye, and build a good brand image for a business.

For example, a chef who actively publishes blog posts about recipes and cooking tricks will likely be recognized more easily than a chef who only cooks in the kitchen. The same goes for a business that frequently disseminates relevant information via its blog. The blog can act as an agent to make a company more trustworthy in the eyes of potential customers. Data from TechClient supports this, saying a business blog can increase the number of potential customers by 126 percent.

You can generate income

starting your own personal blog could be the vessel that lands you other writing gigs
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It’s not uncommon to hear that people are making money from their blogs. But, how?

We’ve all been told stories about serious bloggers pulling in tens of thousands of dollars per month after monetizing via Google Adsense. While it’s not easy to do, these days, if you’re savvy enough – and have a big monthly readership within a defined niche – you can likely sell banner ads and sponsored posts on your blog.  

You can also get paid by reselling your content to other media outlets (the seedlings of a freelance career). Starting your own personal blog could be the vessel that lands you other writing gigs.

Writing grows your network

making a blog gives you an opportunity to get friends from various corners of the world
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Blogging is the most effective way to get to know more people and expand your network. Aside from blogger communities, you can also become acquainted with people who interact with your blog. Usually, they will share their ideas and give feedback, or even repost your article on their social media.

Making a blog gives you an opportunity to get friends from various corners of the world. You can gain insights from bloggers from foreign countries. Of course, this likely means you’ll need to blog English.

It’s a cheap investment in the long run

the main purpose of a blog is to build trust between you and your customers
Image by drobotdean on Freepik

When doing promotional activities, companies usually pay top dollar for online advertisements. Unfortunately, web ads only show up in public for a limited time. When the funds run dry, digital ads go away.

Different from traditional marketing maneuvers, the main purpose of a blog is to build trust between you and your customers. With relevant and interesting topics, your readers will come back as regulars. While online ads only stick around for a little while, blog posts last forever.

A recent survey from ContentPlus shows that customers much prefer to get to know brands via blogs rather than ads.

Doing it right generates more business leads

companies with a blog gain 97 percent more visitors on their websites than those that don’t have one
Image by senivpetro on Freepik

Data from Hubspot shows that companies with a blog gain 97 percent more visitors on their websites than those that don’t have one.

Good content also bolsters your website’s rank in the eyes of Google. By consistently putting out useful information, your company will gain a good reputation and inspire trust from visitors. If they ever need something that your company can provide, they will likely remember your brand first. Google will help by rewarding you with increased visibility on organic search.  

Your blog can genuinely help others

your blog could potentially become the go-to source of information when people type in a specific search term
Image by marymarkevich on Freepik

There are a lot of ways to help other people, one of them is blogging. Try to remember the last time you asked Google to help you solve a problem. Finding information via Google has become the primary solution for the new generation, from cooking tips to news about gadgets.

Google aggregates several relevant sites in an attempt to answer your questions. Mixed in with government websites and Wikipedia are blogs (just like yours). Your blog could potentially become the go-to source of information when people type in a specific search term.

The information that people are looking for also covers a variety of topics – from how to make origami, to health tips for animals, to how to move on from heartbreak. This is all information that could be useful for others, so why not toss it up on your blog?

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